As the school year approached its peak, Seri Mulia Sarjana school’s preschool section held its 27th graduation and awarding ceremony held at The Rizqun International Hotel on Saturday, 24th November 2018, 2:30-4:30 in the afternoon.
Focusing on “Initiative” as the main theme of this momentous occasion, the 240 Kindergarten 3 graduates shared some very useful insights during their graduation march on how the importance of having initiative impacts every person and situation.
Gracing this event with her presence as the Guest of Honour was the Deputy High Commissioner for British High Commission in Brunei, Ms. Natalie Gowers-Barnes.
The presentation of certificates to all the graduates was the highlight of the event. Equally important was the awarding of the best students from Kindergarten 1 to Kindergarten 3 levels. Moreover, various performances from the preschool students brought merriment to everyone such as K1’s Frozen interpretative dance, K2’s hand mime of “Walking in the Jungle” song, and K3’s informative and upbeat “Blast Off” performance, all of which were products of their respective Units of Inquiry. Not forgetting also were the speeches from three selected graduates delivered in three different languages; in Mandarin, in Bahasa Melayu, and in English. Also, closing the event was one of the most awaited parts of the programme, the always touching and heart-warming video tribute to the graduating batch.