Five students from Year 10 Express joined the convention held last 26th January for the
4th Celik-Biz Competition and the 9th BigStart Competition for primary and secondary
students organised by the Ministry of Education through the Entrepreneurship Innovation
Centre (EIC) in collaboration with the Curriculum Development Department held in
Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (SUAMRIPAHS),
Kampong Katok. These events are competitions on entrepreneurship and innovation
education with the theme ‘Financial Literacy’ for Years 4 and 5 students as well as Years
9 and 10 students from government and private schools as well as schools under the
Department of Islamic Studies, Ministry of Religious Affairs.
The objectives of these competitions are to enhance and spread awareness on financial
literacy in schools while instilling entrepreneurship and innovation in education. It also supports the agenda of the National Financial Literacy Council which is relevant to the implementation of Financial Education, especially the application of the competencies
found in the Brunei Darussalam Financial Literacy Competency Framework For School
Children and Adults, which has been introduced at the primary level and will continue to
be implemented at the secondary level later. The students who joined were Alex Soon
Yung You, Mohammad Hamid Haydar @ Sabbir, Mohiuddin Mollah, Nathan Peterson
and Narionne Hardie Cortez Ariola, supervised by Cikgu Nurhafizah Raziqin bte Hj