Re-learning the basics of classroom management was the first professional development workshop preschool teachers have engaged themselves in during the first term school holidays. Facilitated by the academic supervisors of each level, the full day workshop focused on providing activities for teachers that developed their camaraderie, creativity, and communication skills. The morning session covered the eight key principles of a good classroom management which teachers can use to enhance their teaching skills. The activities involved in this topic were creating a group name and chant, defining classroom management using a web chart, and applying the principles of classroom management in real life scenarios through a role play presentation. Moreover, topics about learning centers, student-centered learning, and child-initiated activities were discussed in the afternoon session. This workshop is only the first and one of the many PDs the school has ardently prepared for the benefit of all Sarjana teachers and staff. This only proves how much the Sarjana community values good quality education beneficial to all stakeholders.