Realising the need of a strong Reading Programme, The English Department never ceased to find ways and means to address such need. Apart from in-house sharing sessions, the Reading teachers collaborate with experts and mentors from other schools who could share best practices that suit the needs of each learner.
On Friday, 20th September 2019, five (5) English teachers from the Primary section attended a professional development on Reading at the Panaga School in Seria. Led by Jo Marshall, the said PD emphasised on strong points such as the need to instil greater passion for reading and the significance of bridging the gap between non-readers and beginning readers by allowing the students to familiarise themselves with the 100 high-frequency words that would enable them to read better. The session likewise underscored the Guided Reading instruction that assists students with limited reading capabilities in various ways. Furthermore, such reading instruction will allow students to better engage in reading and comprehension through strategic questioning and visual representation.
An informal conversation that gave way to unveiling some of host school’s best practices and sharing of knowledge and resources that would strengthen SMSS’s eading Programme ended the session.