Grand salute to the Grand Prix winner Mohd Elfie Darwish bin Ali Rahiman!
The big winner received the reward for his award-winning work in a prize presentation held on Saturday, 18th March at the Mahkota Hall of Times Square Hotel. The Acting Director of CoCurriculum Education, Julaihi bin Mohamad/Mohamat gave away the prizes.
Mohd Elfie Darwish shared the limelight with the other ‘Sarjanian’ gems Alesha Nabeha binti Mohammad Azeman, Aleesya Dania Farhana binti Mohammad Alli and Tiong Ing Hoe who bagged the Excellence Awards, Alya Hafizzah Az Zahra binti Saparrudin who captured the AFUCA Award and Malik Syarif Hidayatullah bin Haji Abdul Malik with NFUAJ Award.
To note, in Brunei, out of the 847 competing entries submitted for the Mitsubishi Asian Children’s Enikki Festa 2021-2022, the above-mentioned artists dominated the wins. The details and the colours they put into their picture diaries amazingly captured the contest theme, ‘I want to tell you about my life’ hence, the wow from the judges.
Congratulations to the winners and to the ART Department! The ‘Sarjana’ family is so proud of you!