Stop, Drop and Crawl!
The Sarjanians’ survival instincts have once again tested in a Fire Drill held in the morning and afternoon of Tuesday, 15th January 2019.
With the first fire drill siren blaring in the school compound to jump start the school year, students vacated the campus and reached the designated assembly point at the shortest time possible having no recorded untoward accidents.
As a crucial component of ensuring that students and staff are alert and vigilant of any warnings and to unveil current SOPs on everyone’s safety and security, fire drill is a routine practice in SMSS. Moreover, reminders on actions they can take to prevent fire are constantly given.
Kudos to the School Fire Marshalls for making everyone’s safety their top priority. Furthermore, congratulations for successfully facilitating such activity that promotes the correct and needed fire evacuation response in school. Indeed, it’s a good start to instill knowledge that will surely be brought from school to home.