Personal learning, global mindedness, parents’ involvement and creative approaches summed up the ten-week thematic lesson about ‘Food’ of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Such were evidently captured in the exit points held on 5th and 11th March 2019 for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 classes.
Believing that ‘Health is Wealth’, the first graders focused on investigating the ways on how to keep their bodies healthy and fit. And to celebrate the success of their learning journey, they involved their parents in a short talk on the topic, “Healthier Me.” Showcasing creative visual materials during the said talk, the parents could not contain their happiness and satisfaction on their children’s high level of confidence.
Year 1 students completes the activity on health and fitness with a Zumba session facilitated by the P.E teachers at the waiting area. After shedding some weight, the students, together with their parents and teachers proceeded to a picnic and enjoyed the healthy food and drinks they prepared and generously prepared for everyone. Truly, that simple but hands-on lesson on food will surely leave a great impact on the lives of the Year 1 students.
Meanwhile, the Year 2 students had their Food Unit Exit Point on 5th March. In line with this year’s theme – Global Responsibility, the students were asked to bring pictures of any food from another countries. This activity aimed at bringing awareness to students regarding the origin country of the food they usually eat. The students had fun locating in the map, the country of origin of the food they brought. They also presented their finished work before the end of the activity. Indeed, the second graders did not only demonstrate the love of their national identity but also concretized the profound respect for the other cultures in the global world.
The Year 3 classes on the other hand boasted their creativity and self-expression through the art of decorating. Showing a great sense of independence, the third graders had their first-hand experience on cake decorating. The do-it-yourself (DIY) activity was successfully carried out through the help of the parents.
Yes, one unit was over, but the learning journey with IPC will continue to direct the students to a path that will develop them into adaptable and resilient globally-minded learners.