As the looming IEYC accreditation fast approaches, preschool teachers of SMSS continuously works together with Panaga School for some professional development workshops that will help set the course towards a better learning journey of all children. The full day workshop held last 16th of April was attended by all preschool class teachers together with the principals. Classroom observations and immersion within children at play were the agenda in the morning session. A quick tour around the school and an overview of how they implement IEYC was also given by Ms Claire Richmond, Early Years coordinator of Panaga School. During the afternoon session, teachers were grouped according to the level they are teaching and participated in different workshops happening simultaneously. In these workshops, Panaga School teachers shared their insights and best practices on how the classroom environment plays a big part in enabling the children to learn through play. Also, the importance of physical development in children and examples of fun activities that will support it were discussed. In addition, K2 and K3 teachers learned a lot about doing the ‘Helicopter Story’ to help build the children’s growing vocabulary and storytelling skills. Because of this productive day, the school looks forward to a stronger partnership and sharing of a common goal with Panaga School to make learning more fun and engaging for children.
Preschool Teachers Gear Up for IEYC Accreditation