Yes to inclusion; No to Education Discrimination!
A total of 62 Preschool and Lower Primary teachers turned up in the first Professional Development (PD) to jump start school year 2019 with much positivity. The PD on Special Educational Needs Assistance (SENA) and Inclusive Education Awareness held on Friday, 11th January 2019 at SMSS Preschool Building emphasized on Total Education for All and a ‘No Child Left Behind’ motto for students who were born with special needs who deserve equally significant opportunities to live their lives to the fullest.
The four-hour gathering tackled the history and philosophy behind inclusive education and discussion on different learning deficiencies and approaches to address the special needs of individual students. Enlightened about SENA, each teacher attendee vows to actively take part and support inclusive education and looks forward to making a great impact and difference in the lives of their students.