There is no more meaningful way in concluding the Year 1 IPC – My Learning Journey
learning unit ‘Water, Water Everywhere’ than diving deeper into the protection of the
With Reef Check Brunei, a group of professional divers that protects Brunei corals and
marine ecosystems, the Year 1 kids dressed as divers and sea creatures, found ease in
understanding the importance of taking care and protecting the lives of the living creatures in the sea.
Apart from a short talk about the marine ecosystem protection, the students were treated
to different activities that promote marine life preservation and conservation. The kids were in awe when they had a visit to an exhibit entitled, ‘Pollution in the Ocean’. Their jaws dropped with that feeling of what it’s like to live under an ocean full of plastics and non-biodegradable items.
Big thanks to the very supportive parents for the DIY costumes for their kids and the
Year 1 IPC – My Learning Journey teachers for coming up with an activity that surely
left an imprint on the minds and hearts of the Year 1 kids.